Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin had a "Negative Patient Care Outcome"

One of the greats is dead. Carlin was smart, brutally honest, fearless and hysterical.

I have a hard time picking my favorite Carlin routine, but one of the things that was most appealing to me was the way he dissected language. Yes, he could be crude and often said things that made people cringe, but he was truly an artist with the language. This video is an example of all of the above.

WARNING - This video is from his 1990 HBO special "Doin' It Again," so it is "R" rated. This is the man who made famous the "Seven Words You Can't Say on Television" after all.....

"If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fires, then what do freedom fighters fight?"

It takes much more than a comedian to be able to point out how Shell Shocked became Battle Fatigue which became Operational Exhaustion which became Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

This video is 18 years old and still so relevant with regards to PTSD and how our government thinks about and deals with it. Don't think so? Please read this or this or this.

I've spent much of the day watching and listening to him on YouTube while doing my exercises.

Thanks for the laughs Mr. Carlin. Rest in peace.

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