Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Big Outing

Ever since Danielle heard that you can borrow wheelchairs from the customer service desk at the mall she's been pushing for us to do that to get me out of the house. We've got 3 family birthdays in April, so we've had some errands that needed run and I definitely need a change of scenery. So we set out for the mall at 1 o'clock with the plan to meet fellow youth directors August and Dan for coffee (my usual Wednesday afternoon ritual). We got to the mall and Danielle left me in the car at the curb to run in to get a chair. Unfortunately she finds out that although they have many available, none of them have the leg rest that I need in order to keep my leg straight out in front of me and somewhat elevated.

Disappointed I call Dan and cancel our meeting. Danielle and I decide that since we are out it makes sense to see about getting a chair of my own. So we end up driving to medical supply shops and by the third one find exactly what we need at a very reasonable rate. The folks at Annapolis Health Care on Gibraltar Avenue (by the Dunkin Donuts on West Street) were fantastic. They got me set up with a chair for the month and gave Danielle a lesson on breaking it down and putting it in the trunk and visa versa.

So a few hours later and with my new wheels we headed back to the mall to take care of the errands that we originally intended to do.

I've never been so happy to be at the mall. It was great to be out in public, eating in the food court and not feel like a patient for a change.

We got the two birthday presents that we needed for this week's birthdays, I got a book with a gift card that I received (Thanks Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ed!) and Danielle picked up a pair of Crocs.

Danielle was a bit self conscious of the fact that I wanted to wheel myself, but I need the exercise and its a pretty good workout. So we "strolled" together through the mall and I am anxiously awaiting future trips out into the world, especially to Allison's birthday party Saturday, church this Sunday and Youth Fellowship on Sunday night.

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