Saturday, April 26, 2008

Insult to injury

On top of my leg and the limitations that come with my recovery, this week I've also been dealing with being sick. I'm not sure exactly what is up, but I've either got a stomach bug (which has apparently been making the rounds) or I'm dealing with symptoms of withdrawal since I stopped taking any pain medication on Monday morning. Or a third possibility is that my stomach is reacting to the large doses of Ibuprofen that I've taken for the last month... Whatever it is I've felt crappy since Tuesday morning, am hungry but nothing appeals to me, I haven't been sleeping well and I'm spending far too much time in the bathroom. Whatever I've got, I sure hope that I'm nearing the end of it. I can't imagine either a bug or withdrawal symptoms lasting more than 5 days. Actually, I thought I was nearing the end of it yesterday, but this morning has proven me wrong. And don't get me started on the pollen count! I'm attributing the headaches that have come and gone this last week to that, although they could just as easily be part of whatever it is that I was first griping about.

OK, I'm done whining now.

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