Thursday, November 6, 2008

Something Stinks in Alaska

And for a change I'm not talking about the Governor. (although more on her in a minute)

While we are still waiting for the final verdict on the Senate and House races with both republican incumbents in hot water for corruption (one convicted and one with pending investigations), it would appear that something really fishy is going on with the numbers. Both of these men were trailing by 6-10 points in the polls going into the election and both are leading by slight margins while the final votes are being counted.

Or are they the final votes? With record voter turnout everywhere in the country, an historic election and their own popular governor on the ticket apparently voter turnout was at the lowest ever for a presidential election in Alaska!? Over at Huffington Post, Shannyn Moore lays out the numbers that just make no sense at all.

Mudflats, a progressive blog in Alaska has much of the same data too.

In 2004, 66% of registered voters turned out to vote in the presidential election between George Bush and John Kerry.

In 2008, including the votes still outstanding, only 54% of registered voters turned out.

And the strangest part of all? Voter turnout in the primaries, before Palin was even on the ticket, was up 12% from 2004. We also had more than 20,000 new registered voters.


Now for the latest on Gov. Palin just in case you haven't heard yet -

Newsweek has even more on the clothing overspending than we knew previously. She also is reported to have prepared her own concession speech, but was told "no" by McCain's staff. It was his night and only he would speak.

Fox News of all places is releasing information that they obtained off the record and wasn't allowed to release before the election such as -

  • She thought Africa was a country and not a continent.
  • She refused to be prepped for the Katie Couric interview(s) and then lashed out at staff for how it went and the negative press she got as a result.
  • She couldn't name the countries that signed NAFTA (US, Mexico & Canada)
Of course there have been plenty of rumors that she was already looking forward to 2012. Those rumors give us fun stuff like this -

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