Tuesday, November 18, 2008

One Down, Two Left

For his 85th birthday Senator Convicted Felon Ted Stevens got to read in his local paper and possibly on the internets (which is made of a series of tubes - see video) that he has lost his re-election bid.

The key line is at 2:12. Boy we're going to miss him.

It took them two weeks to figure it out, and they are still counting, but the AP has reported that the lead is now insurmountable and that Anchorage mayor Mark Begich will be the victor in Alaska.

Now we just need for Minnesota and Georgia to complete their recount and runoff election respectively.

In other political news, unfortunately the Democrats are being way too nice and letting SUPER WEASEL Joe Lieberman keep his key chairmanship and he will still be caucusing with them. I'm really ticked off about this. I don't care if we get to 60 (which is pretty unlikely) one vote is not worth the cost of allowing this jerk get away with the way he campaigned against the party and especially the things that he said about our president-elect.

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