Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Check out the way the map and electoral votes went compared with the final predictions over at Nate Silver has quite a gift.

The only state he got wrong was Indiana (and possibly Georgia depending on how the final numbers come in).
Apparently Georgia's numbers don't reflect all the early voting. Even though most news organizations and networks have given it to McCain, the AP still hasn't and there are many votes yet to be counted. Reports are conflicting. Still waiting for something definitive.
The Senate race there is probably heading for a run-off and in Minnesota Al Franken is going to get a recount. He's only down by 570 votes. So Dems could pick up two more Senate seats. (maybe three once Stevens goes to jail)
Regardless of how these squeakers end up, if you want to know what's going on is the place to check next election season.

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