Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Geeking Out with Yet Another Social Media Site

I am enjoying a relaxing break so far and decided to play around with yet another social media site. I'm giving Tumblr a try and wanted to test the features that will import from my blog as well as post to Twitter and Facebook. I thoroughly enjoy writing, sharing and staying connected electronically (as if you haven't figured that out about me already...) so I'm trying to find the most efficient way to use these sites together.

I've already been using "Selective Twitter Status" to send only the Tweets that I choose to Facebook and that is helpful. It looks like Tumblr is a really convienent way to share things from my iPhone while I'm on the go and to let my Twitter followers and Facebook friends know when I've got a new blog post on blogspot.

So I figured the best way to test out this feature was to post to my blog and see what happens.

My apologies to Tweeple and FB friends if there are a lot of duplicate entries since I import my blog into FB Notes currently. Once I see how this works I'll be adjusting settings.

Here goes nothing....

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Interesting. I haven't tried Tumblr. But I think I may have tried EVERYTHING ELSE! I have come to love social media since a few years ago when I learned what an MP3 player was. :)

Looking forward to sharing iphone tips and tricks with you. Hope you're well.

I'm a mac.