Today is Census Day. It's also April Fool's Day, but this is no joke. Please complete your form and mail it back in order to save the government money. Otherwise they will have to pay folks to call and visit homes in an attempt to count everyone. Counting everyone will ensure that we have proper representation in the government and that there are enough resources allocated based on the actual population. It's simple and takes only a few don't even need a stamp. For more information about why it is important or to get help with your form visit
2010Census.govWhile we are on the subject of how important it is to count EVERYONE there is a movement this year called Queer the Census that is lobbying to have a question added to the next census regarding sexual orientation. Should you wish to support the movement to have lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered citizens counted, visit and sign their petition. Its too late to order a free sticker, but you can print out your own and seal your envelope with the following image to let them know if you are LGBT or a straight ally of the community.
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