Wednesday, August 26, 2009

47 Years in the Senate and 15,235 votes cast

The video tribute above was produced by ThinkProgress’ Victor Zapanta.

In addition to this "Day in 100 Seconds" piece, Talking Points Memo has a collection of videos with the statements by President Obama, Vice President Biden, former President Carter, Senator John McCain and many others. Perhaps the most poignant of all of them is actually from last year. It is a video of Senator Byrd reading a statement into the Senate record after hearing the news of Kennedy's brain cancer diagnosis.

Senator Kennedy's family set up this web site in his honor and you can peruse his many accomplishments, read and/or watch his speeches, look at pictures, share memories and send sympathies to his family.
"Every American should have the opportunity to receive a quality education, a job that respects their dignity and protects their safety, and health care that does not condemn those whose health is impaired to a lifetime of poverty and lost opportunity." - Edward M. Kennedy

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