Monday, April 13, 2009

Obama and Where the Wild Things Are

It's no secret that I'm a fan of our new president and after today's Easter Egg roll even more so. They had story time and President Obama read my all time favorite children's book, Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are, to the children gathered on the White House lawn.

Based on the YouTube clip below I'd say he obviously knows and loves the book and has spent a fair amount of time reading to his daughters.

And for those of you that are big fans of the book too check out what is going to hit theaters in October!!!


Cheshire Cat said...

"Where the Wild Things Are" is a neat story, however, I have a hard time seeing it as a movie. We'll have to wait and see..., could be good or really, really, bad.

Rev Jenn said...

Love the book, but I loved seeing the secret service man in the back with his shades on with absolutely no facial expression at all:)