Thursday, March 27, 2008

Surgery Today

After a week of keeping my leg elevated and iced, I go under the knife today. This has been a week of firsts for me -- first broken bone, first ambulance ride, and first surgery. Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous about surgery. Not an irrational - I don't want to do it fear, but just a first time butterflies, I wish I didn't have to do this kind of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being completely unconscious and relinquishing complete control to someone else. Thinking about what they are going to do and the fear of waking up during the procedure. Fear of not waking up at all. Fear that when I do wake up that I'll have more pain than I do now.

I know that I will feel so much better when this is over with. It will be so nice knowing that my bones are back together and aligned correctly and starting to heal. Every little move this week I worried that I was moving stuff around and making things worse. So a few bolts, screws, metal plates and cement should make things a bit more secure down there.

Some things that wound up being a surprise to me this week - my face broke out like a kid going through puberty. Pain pills have a pesky side effect of constipation (too much information? sorry.). I keep having night spasms that cause my knee to jerk and wake me up in excruciating pain. This first week has actually gone by fairly quickly.

Well, its just about time for me to head over to the hospital so I'll wrap things up here. Keep me and the surgical team in your prayers if you wouldn't mind. Much appreciated.

1 comment:

rjandt said...

Hi Chris - I just heard about your awful accident. I am so sorry and hope today's surgery went well and that you are pain free very soon. We live just around the corner and I am home every day so if you need anything, someone to run to the store or whatever, please call. Take care and be a good patient!
Teresa Porath