Friday, May 23, 2008

Gilberts -- Young People Who Rock

Three high school students from our youth group at church, the Gilbert triplets -Connor, Emma and Hayley, were featured on this week and interviewed live this afternoon. They are being featured in the series Young People Who Rock and you can read all about it here.
Their company Polar Bear Nation was launched earlier this year to help raise awareness about climate change and specifically the plight of the polar bear which they describe as an Arctic "canary in a coal mine." Half of the proceeds are being donated to Polar Bears International and the other half are being reinvested to grow their business. Polar Bears International is a program to educate students about climate change and to allow them to visit the Arctic and see first hand what is happening so that they can become "Arctic Ambassadors." Connor was there back in October. You can check out his journal, see videos and photos of his trip here.
Needless to say I'm extremely proud of them. Also as the owner of a pair of PBN sweatpants and the fleece pullover that Connor is wearing in the picture above I can tell you that their products are well made and very comfy!
UPDATE- Here is the link to their interview on Friday

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