This is one of those strange anniversaries which I debate whether to acknowledge or not. Three years ago today I fell at work and shattered my leg. I do not stop to pause to mark this day in order to lament or wallow, although I do acknowledge the hardships and changes that have come as a result of this accident. Rather I stop to acknowledge just how far I have come and how pleased I am with where I am right now despite that fateful day when I made a poor choice of where to stand.
This week was Spring Break for us at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (and for UT and all schools in Austin, I think). Twenty Five years ago some folks decided that Spring Break was too quiet in Austin so they began a little music festival known as SXSW (South by Southwest), which is now an international event. Having just moved here in August I was very excited for my first SXSW and it didn't disappoint. I saw lots of great music and got to spend time with my friends.
In addition to the great music and revelry of St. Patrick's Day there were also several other cool things that I did this week. Several of us marched and rallied with teachers at the Capitol at the Save TX Schools rally last Saturday morning. That evening one of my classmates got married and many from our seminary community were there to celebrate with him and his new bride

Last night Allie, Alex and I went to Mt. Bonnell, climbed about 100 stairs to see the moon, which was kind of a bust. The view of the city, surrounding landscape and sunset was actually better than all the fuss about the moon, but we had fun. We think it may be because everything is bigger in Texas, it just didn't seem that big to us. I would like to know how they managed to turn it burnt orange though. That was a good trick.
The other major news right now is that my car is currently having issues again. I think I need a new starter. Between just getting around, the teacher march, SXSW and all the other fun that I had this week I think I must have walked about a dozen miles this week. That's not a lot for most, but for me and considering how I spent most of 2008, I felt that this was an anniversary worth marking.
"The blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he cured them." Matthew 21:14
My leg may not be cured to what it was prior to the accident, but there is no doubt in my mind that I have been healed by the hand of Christ. The hand that came through the skilled surgical talents of Dr. Ove, Dr. Brumback, and Dr. Higgins; through the infection fighting medicine and care of Dr. Campbell; through the nurses and staff at Anne Arundel Medical Center and Union Memorial Hospital; through the care and motivation from Jessica, Amanda, Sarah, Amy and everyone at OSMC physical therapy; from Wendy my home care nurse; Sandy my case manager; the amazing staff and congregation of FPC Annapolis; the friends and family who sent cards, emails, visited, brought food, provided rides and LOTS of encouragement and love. I wouldn't be where I am now if not for you.
I can now also add to that list the wonderful folks that I have met here in Austin and all of the fun things that there are to do in this town. I'm doing my best to not let a bum knee keep me from enjoying everything I can while I'm here.
School is going well this semester. Although Hebrew is proving to be a fun challenge. Even though our homework looks a bit like Elementary School work, there is no doubt that this is MUCH harder than "See Dick and Jane run"