Friday, August 28, 2009

Beware the OLIGARHY!

Is there a "C", Pat??

Glenn Beck is a comic genius. I am becoming more and more convinced that he and Orly Taitz are characters created by Sacha Baron Cohen. Only instead of playing them himself as he did with Borat, Bruno and Ali G, Cohen has enlisted the help of some truly gifted improv performers since he is now so recognizable.

YouTube - Glenn Beck Can't Spell (Shared via AddThis)

Hilarious/horrifying post detailing more of Beck's rantings. Did you know that President Obama is creating a Secret Army? They are organizing via Twitter.

His ramped up hysteria is mostly in response to a campaign to have sponsors boycott his program because he called the President a "racist" with a "deep seeded hatred of white people."
The campaign has been pretty successful (at last count 39 companies had pulled their ads) and folks are speculating that the end may be near for him on FoxNews. A recent monologue he gave seems to indicate he may think that's the case too.

I am making light of this, but in reality I think that this is pretty reprehensible. He acts as if this is about First Amendment Rights, but whipping people into a frenzy the way he is attempting to do with his show is akin to yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater. Sooner or later someone is going to get trampled and that isn't going to be the least bit funny.

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