Monday, August 4, 2008

Gozer the Gozerian is Back!

I'm not sure that many people will find this as funny as I do, but perhaps that's because Mike, my classmate and teammate from the academy, and I used to quote lines from the movie Ghostbusters constantly. To see Rick Moranis' bizarre speech about the evil that is to come at the end of the movie being used in a pseudo political ad just cracks me up.

It also correctly points out the tone of the McCain campaign right now. The campaign has taken on a "dog whistle" quality. To most mainstream folks and the media his ads seem frivolous at worst and they don't get what all the fuss is about. But to those tuned in to the subtext (which is precisely who the ads are meant for) the message is loud and clear. The republican smear machine has effectively used these tactics in the past against Harold Ford, Max Cleland, and countless others. Hell, Bush even used them against John McCain in the 2000 primary.

The big question is - will it work again?

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