Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why I'm supporting Obama

As we all wait to see what will happen with the final two primary contests today and the constant back and forth about whether the Clinton campaign will concede or not tonight I would like to share my thoughts on these two historic candidates. Back in February I was fortunate enough to see both of their complete stump speeches before the "Crabcake/Chesapeake/Potomac Primary" (pick your favorite DelMarVa nickname). When it comes to policy and their stance on the issues I was unable to find much if any daylight between where these two stand. I found myself nodding and clapping throughout both speeches and so refreshed and relieved by the possibility to change course from the last seven and a half years.

I will happily vote for either of them in November and I'm betting that we will soon have party unity behind our candidate. I'm confident that even those saying "my guy/gal or I'm voting for McCain" will not cut off their noses to spite their faces. There is far too much at stake for anyone to even consider that for a moment. The potential Supreme Court appointments, the war, the current economic situation, the damage to our Constitution and reputation around the world are not safe in the hands of John McCain. We must come together and ensure victory in November.

While their core beliefs were so similar, there was an obvious difference. I made my choice between what I saw as a capable experienced politician who will work for things that I feel are important and one who will do that, but also inspired me to get involved and made me feel like he wanted and needed me to come along and do it with him. I felt like she was saying "vote for me - I can handle the responsibility and I share your values." I could then go back to my life. Obama, on the other hand was saying "vote for me, join the movement, imagine what we can do together." He was inspiring and leading while she was applying for the job of most qualified bureaucrat.

Hilary went to PA and Ohio and talked about hunting as a little girl and drank a boilermaker in a bar and Obama went before Cuban-Americans in Florida and the United Auto Workers in Detroit and said things that they didn't want to, but needed to hear.

I have the utmost respect for Sen. Clinton and her husband is my favorite president who served during my lifetime. I feel for her supporters who are frustrated and looking for any possible angle to win the nomination. After Gore and Kerry it is encouraging to see the passion and tenacity that is within our party, but it is time to turn that towards our true opponent and ensure that the Democrats are victorious in November.

The following video is from the end of Obama's final primary stump speech and if you've never heard him explain how his campaign got it's rally cry it is well worth a listen. One voice can change the world and enthusiasm is contagious....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely written.